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2021 EVENTS 


On 26 October, Sister Jessica Gatty, who is Siegfried's niece by marriage, talked to the Fellowship (via Zoom) about her friendship with him. Sister Jessica also read and discussed some of his poems. As a young woman, she was helped by Siegfried's friendship and advice to make the commitment to a life in a religious order. Readers were Tim Penton and Gillian Mather. A recording of the event can now be seen on the SSF YouTube channel:


The 2021 AGM was held online via Zoom on Saturday 11th September. It was followed by three speakers: Meg Crane, Marcello Giovanelli and Dr Philip Norgate. A recording can be viewed on our YouTube channel via this link:


At 7.30pm (UK time) on Monday 14 June we held a very successful Zoom session for members, at which Phil Carradice interviewed two notable biographers of war poets, Max Egremont (Sassoon) and Vivien Whelpton (Richard Aldington), about their experiences. This can now be viewed on our YouTube channel via this link:


On Sunday 4 July the annual cricket match between "George Sherston's XI" and Matfield Cricket Club on Matfield Green was cancelled because of adverse weather. Nevertheless, a convivial lunch was held at the Pavilion, accompanied by the usual readings. A recording of these can be seen on our YouTube channel via this link:  A short friendly match of 10 overs per side took place, but there were no presentations and next year's match will be designated as the 2020-2021 match.




Siegfried Sassoon Fellowship © 2019

Registered Charity No.1144652


Alliance of Literary Societies

The Siegfried Sassoon Fellowship is a member of the ALS, the umbrella organisation for literary societies in the UK.

The Alliance of Literary Societies provides support and advice on a variety of subjects, as well as promoting cooperation between member societies.


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