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The Siegfried Sassoon Fellowship was formed in 2001 to honour the memory of this extraordinary writer and man.
It coordinates a range of activities, including an annual conference, literary tours and themed events.

Siegfried Loraine Sassoon was an English poet, writer, and soldier. Decorated for bravery on the Western Front, he became one of the leading poets of the First World War. His poetry both described the horrors of the trenches, and satirised the patriotic pretensions.



Biography ->

All members of the Siegfried Sassoon Fellowship receive a printed copy of the bi-annual Siegfried's Journal - a text-rich journal always full of splendidly researched and written 'Sassoonery'.




Siegfried's Journal ->

Throughout the year we host a range of Siegfried Sassoon Fellowship events, including joint meetings with the Wilfred Owen Association, talks by eminent speakers, and our annual commemorative cricket match.


Events & Conferences ->

Click below for more information on the Siegfried Sassoon Fellowship, its patrons and the various membership possibilities on offer.



Join the Fellowship ->

To contact the Siegfried Sassoon Fellowship for any further information or the Barbara Levy Literary Agency for copyright enquiries.



Contact & Queries->

Siegfried Sassoon and related links, publications by our members and a gallery of photographs from our recent literary tours, events and conferences.


Links & Gallery ->

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Siegfried Sassoon Fellowship © 2019

Registered Charity No.1144652


Alliance of Literary Societies

The Siegfried Sassoon Fellowship is a member of the ALS, the umbrella organisation for literary societies in the UK.

The Alliance of Literary Societies provides support and advice on a variety of subjects, as well as promoting cooperation between member societies.


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